Land of the Blacks
Land of the Blacks is a digital exhibition in homage to the people of African descent who negotiated their freedom in the colony of New Netherland in the 1600s, now known as the borough of Manhattan. As one of the artists in this exhibition, along with Adrian Franks and Kamau Ware, we presented digital works to celebrate this recognition and extend the idea of legacy and ownership to current conversations affirming Black lives in 2021. This exhibit was displayed on 21 screens across the Oculus Transportation Hub in NYC.
Pope Phoenix, a Bronx-born visual artist, creates vibrant digital art inspired by music, animation, and comics. His unique style breathes life into vector illustrations, with portraits that forge a deep connection between the subject and the viewer.
Starting in graphic design during the digital revolution, Phoenix embraced vector art, becoming a "Digital Mercenary." Known for tackling impossible projects with top quality, he embodies Jay-Z's words: "Difficult takes a day, impossible takes a week."
The editorial department for this site needed a consistent look for illustrations for their stories. I created a signature look that combined comics, anime, and Hip-Hop culture.
I was commissioned to create social media illustrations to help promote the show, Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World.
ESSENCE Magazine
Commissioned pieces for both print and digital media.
OKP: Behind the Beat
An anthology series that recounted the fascinating stories behind Hip-Hop's most beloved songs. 
OKP: End of the Year Gift Guide
A curated creative package to elevate to emphasize each category in the gift guide.
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